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Peace and Possibilities

Jul 29, 2020

When you know, you know.

About a job, about a person, about a house.  When you know, you know.

You may experience it as a nagging.  You may experience it as a nudge.  You may experience it as a tree falling on your house.  Or you may experience it as you asking a million people what they think about so and so, or this place, or your role, or your problem.

But deep inside, when you really get quiet, and you finally ask yourself the question, without distractions…you know.

So, why do we fumble so much?

Ah, one of those all-consuming questions.

My guest on this week's Peace & Possibilities podcast, Rachael Baker is sharing how she figured it out. And of course, it's never a straight line there.

And because yourself really does know, you can figure it out by following your intuition, believing you can do it, and NOT listening to people telling you you're not cut out for something!  If, of course, you BELIEVE you are!

What do they know, anyway?

They may think they know about you, but only you know when you know. How could they possibly know about you?

The good news is that you get to decide. Because you have to LIVE your life. Not the person who told you that you couldn't.

We're all in charge of designing the life we want.  So stop managing it and create exactly what you want.

And for crying out loud, STOP second guessing yourself!

More info on Rachael Baker:

Rachael is a Senior Wellness Account Consultant that joined Aetna in 2015.  She previously worked for BayCare Health System as a Corporate Wellness Program Manager consulting with local employers on wellness program strategy and implementation, as well as helped lead their internal wellness committee of 25,000 employees.  Alongside her role at Aetna, she leads their local, internal wellness committee and volunteer council.  She has a Master’s Degree in Social Work from Florida State University and spent several years in mental health counseling with women and children.  Rachael also brings Marketing and Business Development experience from her nine year tenure at Tech Data.

She is a Certified Worksite Wellness Program Manager with The Chapman Institute and a Certified Wellness Practitioner with The National Wellness Institute.  She is certified as a Mental Health Champion with MindShare Partners Institute, certified in Mental Health First Aid, MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction), Reiki and is a Mindfulness Advocate for Aetna. She is a Well-Being Works Ambassador for HR Florida and is an active member of WELCOA and various wellness councils in Florida.  She also sits on various healthy school committees.

She has presented on Mindfulness and Mental Health to various conferences and events including the National Wellness Conference, Health Benefits Conference, Tampa Bay Chamber of Commerce, Tampa Wellness Conference, Jacksonville Wellness Conference, North Central Florida Wellness Council, Tampa Wellness Council and Frameworks organization.

Her passion for well-being, mental health and mindfulness drives her motivation and desire to help organizations achieve success around well-being and productivity.