Aug 26, 2020
Where are you in your life - personally or professionally?
Do you ever stop and wonder, like my guest on this week's Peace and Possibilities Podcast, Taylar Barrington-Booker, "I'm still here; what kept me here? Why did I do this in the first place?"
We can't always make a move as soon as we want to. Planning and preparing is important. Sometimes making the move anyway is what you need to do. Like taking that risk to get that reward.
Letting go of good, for better to come through…
So if you are un-inspired where you are, that's okay. Just keep asking yourself, what gems, skills, or lessons can you learn right now. What can you take with you to the next role, person, or place?
There's always something to learn. ALWAYS!
Don't let any of the lessons go to waste. Like Taylar suggests, embrace where you are now; it will come in handy later.
It always does...
More about Taylar:
And the link to Creators for Equality: