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Peace and Possibilities

Jan 13, 2021

Just because it was done this way before, doesn't mean it needs to be done that way going forward or even worse…forever.


For my guest this week, Erin Hatzikostas, normal is her kryptonite.  Her mission is to radically change the workforce by reminding us that just because no one has done it that way before, doesn't mean you can't do it that way now.


She wants you to ask yourself:

What pisses you off?

What breaks your heart?

Who says this is the top?


As far as getting what you want, maybe you don't know what it is.  That might be okay.


But if you can get really clear and ask yourself: will I regret it more if I don't? Then you're on to something.


That's how I feel about quitting my job last year and starting my own business, staring my podcast, and writing a book.  I would have regretted it SO much more if I didn't do it. 

And so, I'm doing it!


What will you regret more if you DON'T do it? (Hit reply and tell me, please! I will encourage you.)


And while you're asking yourself these questions, listen way more to the answers - the power of questions is truly amazing.

And check out my book, available on February 10.

More about Erin below:





Or her talk “Why you don’t have to compromise for your career”