Jul 28, 2021
When my guest this week heard a disturbing story on the news, she couldn't forget it. So she lamented about it to everyone she knew and did nothing.
No, just kidding. She, unlike lots of us, did something about it.
This is where the magic is. You can complain and stress, or
put your money where you mouth is and...
Jul 21, 2021
In high school, my guest this week, Havilah Malone, wanted to
debate, so she thought about studying law. And then she wanted to
be in TV.
So she made her way there.
Eventually, when she was getting to the point where she felt numb
to the impact of her news career, she realized she needed to make a
Because she...
Jul 14, 2021
Does this sound familiar? "I did what I was supposed to do, until I became a _____ and struggled to do it all…"
Whether you're a parent, an entrepreneur, or someone who has multiple interests, trying to do it all eventually brings us to a tipping point. This might happen sooner rather than later, or it could take...
Jul 7, 2021
My guest on this week's podcast is Jen Thornton. She enthusiastically proclaims, (as well as me): it's all about the people!
People, connections, ideas, insights…ah, if only it's all we needed.
Frankly, if we're going to thrive, those things are just as important as those other needs we humans have (like food,...